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Fur Harvest Database
Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News
MN: Area DNR Officers Report Successful Trapping Season
IA: A second gray fox in southern Iowa propels research on a rare and th...
NY: NY State comments on the wolf population
CAN: Furbearer Carcasses Being Collected for Avian Influenza Research
CAN: Alberta's new wolverine trapping rules lead to divide between trapp...
Trapper Obituary: Nicholas Thomson, 40
ND: Game and Fish podcast covers outdoors-related topics
Trapping Today: 2024 Fur Prices in 2 Minutes! (video)
How Groenewold wants deer hides (video)
IN: Depression era Trapping (video)
OffTopic: Oregon man attempts to shoot an arrow farther than anyone on E...
MD: Blackwater NWR taking bids for furbearer trapping rights
DE: State of Delaware: Trapping and Furbearers
IN: Trapping plan for Indiana bobcats, once listed as endangered, moving...
BizzarroWorld: Controversial trail name changed at Jack London State His...
Steven Rinella's Rough Cuts | Montana Trapping | MeatEater (video)
CAN: Alberta forestry minister says wolverine, lynx trapping limits lift...
CO: Proposed ban on fur sales results
CO: The Denver Post editorial board opposes the ban on mountain lion, ly...
VT: Trapping season begins on Saturday in Vermont. Pet owners need to ex...
WV: Small game and furbearer season to open Nov. 2
IA: Outlook good for trappers this season
AL: Registration opens for trapping education workshops Read more at: h...
Dave Canterbury on How to Cook Squirrel (video)
Trapper Obituary: Von E. Strahan
PA: Suspects Who Released 683 Mink Face Felony Eco-Terrorism Charges
OffTopic: NYS found CWD in a deer this year
VT: Pet owners need to exercise caution.
Priest's message about the wilderness (video)
MN: Fishers rebound in Minnesota, and making up for lost time in the hun...
AL: Registration Now Open for Trapping Education Workshops
VT: Regulated trapping seasons open October 26
CO: Inside Proposition 127’s effort to ban hunting of mountain lions, bo...
WI: Trapping seasons begin this Saturday
PA: Urban fisher sightings in Pennsylvania show success of reintroductio...
Strategies to avoid capturing non target species semi aquatic furbearers...
MS: Trap tags for Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Ref...
MT: Elk River Hide and Fur gives hunters, trappers a place to buy and se...
CO: Proposition 127: Prohibit bobcat, lynx and mountain lion hunting, ex...
SC: Annual Trappers Association Convention canceled
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