Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

10/17: Smokey McNicholas will talk on canine trapping
Oct 7, 2020 08:57 ET

Trappers Fall Meet

The Ohio State Trappers Association Region B Fall Meet will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17 at the Killbuck Valley Sportsmans Club (8482 Township Road 559, Holmesville). The public is welcome, and there will be free dealer setup.

Smokey McNicholas will talk on canine trapping with senior citizens at 9 a.m., followed at 10 by Glenn Witchey on raccoon trapping. At 11, Sam Luther will talk on ginseng collecting, with lunch at noon (carry-in potluck). At 1 p.m., Vern Snyder will talk on beaver trapping, followed by Doug Lee discussing muskrat and mink trapping at 2 p.m. At 3 p.m., drawing for the 50/50 raffle will be held.

For more information, call Keith Jones at 740-472-5459.