Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Annual DOBBINS' Lure Deal
Oct 21, 2019 19:42 ET

[Reprinted from original]

I will be giving out a new lure, Triple Gland Plus, I've been working on it for the past year. It works good here and I need to see how it works in other regions.

I will include an ounce of this lure with any order that has a canine lure in it. This will include Backbreaker and Bait Solution as a qualifier for the test lure. It has coyote, red fox and bobcat glands in a blend as a base with other goodies added, such as authentic Ethiopian Civet musk. It also has brain material in it to help keep it somewhat weather resistant.

On larger orders, I will include more than one ounce. This deal will continue until supplies of this lure run out. Shipping will be actual shipping cost.

Let me know how it performs for you, good or poor.