[Reprinted from original]
The 2019-2020 Illinois Bobcat Season ended Feb. 15 with 335 bobcat permits filled.
The bobcat harvest was 306 (the same as during the 2018-2019 season) and there were an additional 29 roadkill bobcats salvaged by permit holders. There were 1,000 permits issued for the season.
The percentage of bobcats taken by hunting was 45 percent and trapping accounted for 46 percent (the remainder were salvaged by permit holders). Pike County led the harvest with 22 bobcats.
The IDNR said it appreciates the support of hunters, trappers and IDNR staff who collected jaws for bobcat research at SIU Carbondale and of cooperating landowners and trappers in central Illinois who have helped with bobcat research at Western Illinois University.
The IDNR and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fund research to continue learning about Illinois’ only feline furbearer. The recovery of this species, as well as many others, and continued research are possible because of the support of the sportsmen and sportswomen of Illinois.
Licenses available
Illinois fishing, hunting and sportsman combination licenses for 2020 are now available from DNR Direct license and permit vendors throughout Illinois, or online through the IDNR website at Dnr.illinois.gov.
The new license year in Illinois begins April 1, with 2020 licenses valid through March 31, 2021.
Spring turkey applications
Illinois Spring Wild Turkey Season permits still available after the 2020 lottery drawings will be sold over the counter by DNR Direct license and permit vendors beginning March 10.
Go to the IDNR website for more information: Bit.ly.
Public museum grants available
Public museums in Illinois can receive funding assistance to improve museum facilities and develop new exhibits through the Illinois Public Museum Capital Grants Program.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, which administers the program, is accepting applications from qualifying public museums. The deadline to apply is April 30.
A total of $25 million in funding from the state’s Rebuild Illinois capital program has been made available for public museum capital grants for Fiscal Year 2020. Grant awards for qualifying projects can range from $25,000 to a maximum of $750,000.
Public Museum Capital Grants are available to non-profit public museums that meet the certain criteria:
Applicants must be pre-qualified at Grants.illinois.gov to receive grants from the State of Illinois.
For detailed information on the application process, museum eligibility, matching fund requirements, and a copy of the application form, check the IDNR website at https://Dnr.illinois.gov/grants/Pages/Museum-Capital-Grants.aspx.