Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Campaign Announced To Defeat Boulder Ballot Question 301
Oct 29, 2021 07:38 ET

[Reprinted from original]

BOULDER, Colo., Oct. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Local retailers, hat and boot makers, the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, Natural Fibers Alliance, the Downtown Boulder Partnership, and the Colorado Cattlemen's Association have come to together in opposition to ballot question 301 to ban fur sales in Boulder.

Proponents say it won't impact local businesses, however 45 businesses in Boulder will be impacted along with other unintended consequences.

"Many have realized #301 is a wolf in sheep's clothing," says Laurel Tate, the co owner of Two Sole Sisters on Pearl Street. "#301 is an effort by outside interests and extremist groups to use Boulder as a puppet for a larger agenda of 'total and complete animal liberation.'"

The Daily Camera Editorial Board also urges a no vote with "Fur measure needs fixes." They wrote on 9-29-21 "…this measure is too broad. Independent lawyers have pointed out to us that if passed, this measure could inadvertently include banning pelts from animals legally trapped in Colorado's wild places. In other words, there are potential conflicts with state law."

Because of the ambiguous and inconsistent language used in the measure, many popular shearling and fur items, such as Uggs, alpaca, and felt hats could be interpreted to be banned.

The Boulder Chamber says they are concerned about the impact on local retailers who carry shoes, boots and hats that incorporate natural fibers. "The proponents claim these products weren't targeted for the proposed ban, but the initiative's language creates a concerning level of ambiguity."

While there are few exemptions, the ballot measure reads, "It shall be unlawful to manufacture, sell, display for sale, distribute, or trade for monetary or nonmonetary consideration any Fur or Fur Product in the City."

Why would proponents run a measure in Boulder if they really believed that no businesses would be impacted by 301? This is where the wolf comes out. The Boulder Chamber recognized this fact when they wrote, "We are troubled by the trend of national advocacy groups using Boulder as a proving ground for their untested measures."

"The leaders of the Boulder business community and local retailers who will most certainly be impacted will not be fooled by this wolf in sheep's clothing. Vote NO on 301," said Laurel Tate.

Contact: Matt Moseley

SOURCE Natural Fibers Alliance