Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Oct 20, 2019 09:45 ET

Link Above. If I have the correct one, this is one of the studies mentioned in the Kris Pope "Coyote Trapping School" podcast, Episode 54:

Charles E. Harris, Doctor of Philosophy
Utah State University, 1983
Major Professor: Dr. Frederick F. Knowlton
Department: Fisheries and Wildlife
This study was conducted to examine coyote behavioral responses
to novel st i mu1 i in fami 1 i ar and unfami 1 i ar envi ronments and the
implications of this behavior with regard to specific coyote
management and research techniques. A series of pen studies with
capt i ve coyotes was undertaken at the U.S. Fi sh and Wi 1 d1 i fe
Service's Predator Ecology and Behavior Project research site, Logan,
Utah, to observe the range and type of behaviors coyotes showed
towards small novel objects and standard scent stations in famil iar
and unfamiliar 1-ha enclosures. The initial response to these novel
stimuli in familiar environments was one of neophobia and caution,
whereas in the unfamiliar environment these same stimuli were readily
approached and investigated. Field studies were undertaken at the
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and Freer, Texas, to examine
coyote visitation to scent stations inside, peripheral to, and
outside their defined home ranges. Radio-collared coyotes were
monitored to determine home range use and movement patterns, with
relocations plotted on computer graphic maps and gridded base maps.
Modified scent-station survey lines were run and visitations by
marked coyotes plotted with respect to home range zone. Marked
coyotes visited a greater percentage of scent stations peripheral to
and outside their home ranges than inside. The socia-spatial
distribution of coyotes, home range size, and percentage of road
comprising home range zones influenced differ7ntial scent-station
visitation rates. The importance of understanding the influences of
animal behavior on wildlife management and research techniques is