[Reprinted from original]
Dated: October 27, 2021
Fur Harvesters Auction Inc 2022 Market Forecast
The 2021 season witnessed the world’s fur auction companies once again all running online sales for the entire year due to the pandemic and global travel restrictions. That being said, Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. came through the year in good shape. The world`s buying community supported us strongly this past season and everyone is looking forward to attending our March and June Auctions in person for what we intend to be live auctions.
Price levels on several important articles need real improvement. Our July 2021 auction did see many items slightly rise and the bulk of our inventory has been cleared. The two articles we expect to continue to stay depressed at this moment are wild mink and raccoon. We continue to get inquiries on all other items.
Western Coyotes suitable for trim are still in good demand, but the darker coloured Eastern coyotes have fallen in price. Central and flatter sections of coyotes will be difficult to move even at the further reduced levels of 2021. Muskrats did very well last year and demand is expected to carry into 2022 as many inquiries have come in asking about projected quantities on our upcoming auctions.
Beaver remains difficult but there will be orders for quality shearing beaver, and a premium will be paid in order to get them. The all time high price of castor is a welcome addition to this important item. Otter was a species that saw small increases all last year with good clearance and this is expected to continue.
Marten is another item we are expecting to see increase again as buyers have been asking about expected offering numbers for this coming March 2022 auction. We had a very large collection of fisher last year which was an offering of a couple of years of unsold goods. We took the position to meet the market and sold out on both sales, and with each sale prices improved over the previous. These were sold to several customers and we are optimistic that this pattern will continue this season. It won’t be at levels we all remember with smiling faces but slow increases throughout the year are healthy. Quality coloured foxes are expected to see improvement with flatter quality harder to move.
Lynx is an item that is produced in small numbers now due to price levels and poor clearance. We will continue to hold the line on our values once again this year until these levels are met. Lynx cats are one of the items that have been more difficult to move on the online platform the past two seasons. However, we have managed to sell a good quantity since spring. The basis for the top A coloured bellies in the 3X-2X size has been at a $1,000.00 basis. Once into the off coloured bellies we dropped 20% to 25% on valuation in order to sell. The central and flatter sections are saleable but will likely continue on at the price levels we achieved this past season. Eastern Canadian cats will likely sell well again at levels close to last season.
Wolves, wolverine and bears are in very strong demand, and emphasis on good handling is the key to strong prices.
The global production of ranch mink was over 100 million a few years ago. This year it is expected to fall in around 12 million. This extreme culling will have a very positive effect on wild fur prices and we are optimistic it will start at our March 2022 auction. The global fur buying trade has been unable to attend live auctions for 2 years and there is no question we will have an impressive list of eager buyers wanting to attend this year.
On behalf of all of us at Fur Harvesters Auction we thank you for your continued support.
Mark Downey
Chief Executive Officer
Fur Harvesters Auction Inc