Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Fur Harvesters March 10th Offering
Feb 4, 2019 11:33 ET

Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. is pleased to announce the following quantities for our
March 10th auction which will be held in conjunction with Saga Furs in Helsinki, Finland.

Inspection will commence March 1, 2019.

March 8, 2019
Ranch Fox 4,000

March 10, 2019
Coyote 10,000
Sable 40,000
Ranch Mink 8,000
Muskrat 130,000
Fisher 10,000
Red Fox 6,000
Cross Fox 500
Grey Fox 2,500
White Fox 600
Beaver 40,000
Lynx 5,000
Lynx Cat 6,000
Raccoon 50,000
Otter 7,000
Wild Mink 15,000
Badger 500
Ermine 10,000
Squirrel 7,500
Skunk 600

Catalogue for each species will be available online as they are completed.
Order of sale and quantities are subject to change.

Fur Harvesters Auction Inc.
1867 Bond St., North Bay, Ontario, P1B 8K6 Canada E-Mail: