Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Fur Harvesters announces Alberta Pickup Schedule
Jan 15, 2020 08:10 ET


ALBERTA Pickup scheduLE
Fur Harvesters Auction Inc is now offering a fur pickup service directly
to trappers through the Alberta Trappers Association Depot in Westlock.
Arrangements can also be made to have trapping supplies delivered from the
ATA store when the pickup is made.
Trappers must have a minimum of either 10 coyotes or a mixed bag of
25 pelts to qualify for pick up.
The service area will extend generally west, southwest and south of Edmonton
between Hwy's 16, 22 and Queen E. Then northeast, east and southeast in the
area of Hwy's 28, 16 and 24.
This will make it more convinient for trappers to utilize FHA to market their fur.
To arrange for a pickup please contact:
Alberta Trappers Association
Hwy 44 S, Industrial Park, Lot 14
Box 6020
Westlock, AB T7P 2P7
(780) 349-6626
All fur is insured once it is in our agents’ possession. Pick-up fee: $12.00 per shipper