Fur harvester class scheduled Aug. 4-6
Jul 16, 2020 12:43 ET
[Reprinted from original] The North Dakota Cooperative Fur Harvester Education Program is sponsoring a fur harvester education class in Bismarck for anyone interested in trapping or hunting furbearers. The class is Aug. 4 and 6 from 5-9 p.m., and Aug. 8 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The free course takes 16 hours to complete. Students will learn the history of the fur trade in the Dakotas, furbearer identification, tools and techniques for harvesting furbearers in North Dakota, and proper handling techniques. Graduates are issued a certification card that is recognized by any state requiring trapper education prior to purchasing a license. To sign up, go to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website at Gf.nd.gov. For more information, go to https://Gf.nd.gov/education/fur-harvester.
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