Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Furbearer seasons expanded in panhandle
Jan 31, 2020 19:04 ET

[Reprinted from original]

Upland game and trapping seasons for 2020-2021 were expanded in the Panhandle to include turkey and some furbearer seasons.

The Idaho Fish and Game commission added units 7 and 9 to the list of units open to general spring turkey seasons and increased the length of the general fall turkey seasons in the Panhandle. It also expanded the use of special unit turkey tags to all units in the Panhandle.

In addition, the personal quota for river otter was increased from two to three, and the Panhandle’s river otter quota was increased from 40 to 45.

Red fox season was lengthened in the Panhandle and Clearwater regions to open Oct. 10 and close March 31.

The latest seasons and rules brochures will be available by mid-February.

— Ralph Bartholdt