Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

How to follow Trapping Radio Podcast and Others
Jul 24, 2020 08:40 ET

I recently heard Kris (on his podcast, Coyote Trapping School) talking about how hard it was to find some podcasts like Trapping Radio on iTunes. He mentioned this topic on his latest podcast entitled, "Trapping Resources."

First I would like to thank Kris for his mention of Trappers Report! Thank you.

One easy way to follow any podcast is to find the "RSS Feed." You can then paste this feed into your player so you do not have to rely on Apple's algorithms or permission to access the content you desire. If the Apple podcast player won't allow this "direct add" of a podcast, I would suggest you download another player like Podcast Republic, or Beyond Pod. I use these two players on Android; I would assume Apple has those players too or similar.

To find the current RSS feeds for the trapping podcasts of which I am aware, just go to the bottom of Trappers Report and you will see them listed. Copy-and-paste the RSS link address into your podcast player, and it should load right in with the same result as if you were to have "searched" for the podcast using Apple/Android.