Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

ISTA Trappers Education
Nov 2, 2018 08:49 ET

Trapper’s Education At Raccoon SRA

Learn from trapping experts at Raccoon State Recreation Area, Nov. 3-4. The Trapper Education Course will be taught by members of the Indiana State Trappers Association (ISTA) and Indiana Conservation Officers. The class will be held at the property office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Indiana Trapper Education and Safety courses can help prepare you for safe and successful trapping experiences.

Each class provides information about the art of trapping furbearer animals including trap selection, preparation and maintenance, furbearer biology, scouting for furbearer signs and fur handling. Rules and regulations, safety, sportsmanship and ethics are also covered. Instructors will teach new trappers how to make successful trap sets for land and water. All courses have demonstrations and hands-on experience to enhance the learning process.

Lunch will be provided by the ISTA both days and primitive camping is available to course takers. To register, follow this link:

For questions or concerns, contact Stu Grell of the ISTA at 765-572-2207. Raccoon State Recreation Area ( is at 1588 S. Raccoon Parkway, Rockville, IN 47872