[Reprinted from original]
Due to the escalation in the current health emergency situation with '2019 novel coronavirus' in primarily China, Kopenhagen Fur has decided to postpone the February auction. The planned sale of approx. 2 million mink skins and other types is, for now, expected to be integrated into the already scheduled April auction - a couple of extra selling days will be announced later.
With our many important customers and auction buyers in China, we are first and foremost very concerned about health of our valued customers and their families. The battle with the disease is still at an early stage with a lot of scientific and medical efforts to be done, travel is restricted and, therefore, many national as well as international events are now already cancelled due to this unexpected health emergency situation.
Under these circumstances, nothing is more important than the health of our customers. Therefore, the only responsible decision is to postpone the February auction. Kopenhagen Fur is, of course, sorry for the inconvenience and necessary travel re-arrangements, but we are sure that everyone in the fur trade will agree to and support this tough but necessary decision, says Jesper Lauge Christensen, CEO of Kopenhagen Fur.
Customers and auction buyers who have a need of skin supplies, will be offered the possibility to buy the more than 600,000 unsold skins from the 2019 catalogues, based on normal Conditions of Sale.
Until next auction, the Kopenhagen Fur teams in Denmark and China are ready to support you with any business needs as usual. We are sure that, with the right initiatives and strong emergency plan in place, the battle with this new virus will soon come to an end.
We wish all our customers and your families a good health.