Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Lots of nasty comments on furbearer rules
Dec 6, 2019 08:38 ET

[Reprinted from original]

When DIFW offered us the opportunity to comment on their proposed rules governing furbearers, I’m sure they knew they’d get some nasty comments. But I’m not sure they expected so many awful comments.

Here are a few of those:

This is so disgusting and cruel and inhumane!!! This is 2020 and this method of trapping any animal should of been banned many years ago! Sickens my stomach and my heart that this is still happening in the state of a Maine! Maine is suppose to be the third animal friendly state, a lot of outer staters don’t believe this still happens here. Shame on you Maine! There are others methods you could use without Animal Cruelty !

Hunting and Trapping for profits should not be called game management. Though we humans may want to think we are civilized we are not! After 500 years on this continent, the only thing we have developed is our urge to kill.

Trapping is barbaric, cruel and simply unwarranted. How would any ‘human animal” like to be stuck in a trap, unable to move, in pain, maybe bleeding for hours on end? It’s a crime to trap animals especially for their coat. I don’t hunt, but I know plenty of “ethical hunters” that wouldn’t make an animal suffer for a few dollars. HORRIFIC!

None of the trappers here have the balls to admit that trapped animals are terrified and suffering unimaginable anguish that has lasted for hours and hours. Not one of you. It must be because you are ashamed of what you are doing, but you enjoy doing it. So you will not stop. That’s pretty hard for a person with a sense of basic humanity on board to wrap their mind around; causing suffering to an innocent animal for no other reason than you can.

You can check out all the comments, including the positive and helpful ones, here:

If you would like to offer your own comments on furbearer plans, you can do that here: