Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

NEW Proposed Marten and Fisher Plan For State (pdf)
Jun 22, 2021 15:42 ET

[Reprinted from original]

After DEC completed the New York State Fisher Management Plan (PDF) in 2016, we adopted regulations to revise the fisher trapping season in some regions and open new fisher trapping opportunities in others. The adopted regulations also required a free special permit for all fisher trapping. The special permit allowed DEC biologists to collect biological data on harvested fisher and trapping effort data, information necessary to ensure sustainable harvest opportunities for this popular furbearer. After five seasons of data collection, sufficient information on harvest pressure and take has been collected such that the special permit is no longer needed. The information from trapping activity logs, fisher carcasses, and field surveys in areas open to fisher harvest all confirm that fisher are abundant and current harvest opportunities are sustainable.

For several years, trappers were also required get a special marten trapping permit and to submit the carcass of harvested martens so biological data could be collected to help managers understand population dynamics. A sufficient amount of data has been collected such that marten carcasses are no longer needed for harvest management of this species, but the special permit is still needed to help managers track trapping participation and effort.

The proposed regulations would remove the requirement for trappers to obtain a special fisher trapping permit. The proposal would also remove the requirement for trappers to submit marten carcasses while maintaining the requirement for a special pine marten permit. A trapping license and pelt sealing would still be required for both fisher and marten.

To review the proposed regulations and submit comments, visit the Fish and Wildlife Proposed Regulations page. Written comments will be received through August 15, 2021.