Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

NY State "Rainbow Trout Run" is back on for 2022
Feb 26, 2022 06:43 ET

Public Encouraged to Attend Annual Sampling of Rainbow Trout Run

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Regional Director Timothy Walsh today announced that annual sampling of the rainbow trout run is scheduled for Thursday, March 24, at 9 a.m., at one of the Finger Lakes' most important tributaries-Naples Creek. The public is encouraged to attend.

DEC conducts sampling to aid in its ongoing assessment of Finger Lakes fisheries management practices and to provide up-to-date information for the opening day fishing forecast. During sampling, length, weight, sex, and spawning condition data will be collected for each fish captured. A scale is used to determine age and growth rate. Sampling results will be available at the DEC Region 8 fisheries office prior to the April 1 opening of the Finger Lakes tributary season.

Anglers who want to fish for trout before April 1 are reminded that although catch and release trout fishing is open for inland streams, Finger Lakes tributaries remain closed to fishing until April 1. The main bodies of the Finger Lakes are open to fishing year-round.

DEC also typically conducts sampling at Cold Brook in Pleasant Valley. However, current stream conditions are not expected to be optimal for sampling.

Directions to Naples Creek: Sampling will start at the Route 245 bridge, just north of the village of Naples. Route 245 joins Route 21 north of the village. The Route 245 bridge is approximately 0.2 to 0.3 miles from the junction with Route 21.