Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

New York Fisher Permit Update
Aug 18, 2021 20:28 ET

Earlier this year DEC proposed regulations that would remove the requirement for the free special fisher trapping permit. Unfortunately, due to a publication error, these regulations will not be adopted prior to the start of the 2021 trapping season. To simplify the process for trappers this season, DEC has created a self-issued fisher trapping permit for trappers.

We are automatically sending fisher permits to those that applied for a Fisher or Fisher/Marten Trapping Permit in 2020. Trappers should expect to receive these permits by September 10th. Please sign and date the permit and carry it with you when trapping. This permit can also be downloaded from DEC's website ( Please help us spread the word by forwarding this information to any trappers you know who are interested in trapping fisher this season.

Trappers will not be required to submit the lower jaw, head, or carcass of any fisher taken during the 2021 trapping season. In addition, trappers do not have to complete or submit a Fisher Trapping Activity Log this season.

Please note that a separate permit is required for trappers wishing to pursue marten. Contact DEC's Region 5 Wildlife Office in Warrensburg at 518-623-1240 to obtain a marten trapping permit.

We encourage all trappers to stay involved by commenting on any proposed regulations, including the proposal to remove the special fisher trapping permit. For information on the proposed regulations and how to comment, visit DEC's website (

We thank trappers for their continued cooperation in helping us manage furbearer populations in New York.