Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Only one reference to "fur" in 11/14 GOOS Conference Call
Nov 28, 2018 18:02 ET

All Mentions of "fur" in the transcript from the 11/14/2018 quarterly conference call of GOOS entitled, "Q2 2019"
which covers period: July, August, September 2018 (what we call in the US, "Q3 2018" it appears to me but I'm not an expert on how they do things in Canada).

Jonathan Komp

Understood. And maybe just one product related follow up, I know globally some of the other luxury brands have shifted, chances are a little bit recently on their use of the animal products and fur and I'm just wondering if there's been any change in your customer appetite or product mix or anything like that or any kind of change in your attitude or maybe not?

Dani Reiss

It can be used for a function -- first random use for function first. The most important thing to ask is the -- all of our materials or sources ethically responsibly and they are and that's what's important to our consumers as well and it continues to resonate with them too. And so all of our policies are available on our Web site.

Jonathan Komp

Understood. Thank you.