Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Ontario Fur Managers Federation zone meeting
Jan 30, 2019 09:58 ET

[Reprinted from original]

The Ontario Fur Managers Federation (OFMF), through support from individual trappers and natural resource partners, actively promotes our trapping heritage and our future through sustainable, professional and humane fur management practices. The OFMF is divided into four regions and sixteen zones.

Each zone is represented by a number of separate trappers councils that hold regular meetings to support the sustainability of fur-bearers and the ecosystem, engage in ongoing trapper education and promote public awareness of trapping.

The North Lanark Trappers Council is pleased to host the Ontario Fur Managers Federation zone meeting and workshop on Saturday, Feb. 23 at the Lanark and District Civitan Club — #2144 Pine Grove Rd., Lanark.

The event is open to the public and admission is free. Doors open at 9:30 a.m., the event starts at 10 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m. Lunch is available on site for $8 person; coffee and tea will also be available.

There will be trapping displays and demonstrations, a presentation by the Fur Institute of Canada and outdoor related vendors on site offering a variety of products.

This is a great opportunity for those interested in trapping to learn from licensed trappers.

This year marks the North Lanark Trappers Council’s 40th anniversary. This organization has tirelessly raised thousands of dollars for the Hopetown Community Centre, the Youth Trapping Program and other local and provincial organizations.

For more information, please contact Doug Sonnenburg at 613-253-6656 or Ted Anderson at 613-894-1135.

Submitted by the North Lanark Trappers Council