Trapping Conservation and Self-Reliance News

Otter Trapping Quota Reached in IDFG Panhandle Region, Season Closed
Mar 24, 2021 12:20 ET

[Reprinted from original]

COEUR D' ALENE - By order of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, the river otter trapping season in Idaho’s Panhandle Region will close on Friday, March 26, 2021, due to the regional harvest quota of 45 otters being met on March 23.

The otter season for the entire region closes 72 hours after the harvest quota has been met. This will occur on Friday, March 26.

River otters must be presented at a regional office to obtain the appropriate pelt tag within 72 hours of harvest. Any trapper who has already reached their personal quota of three otters, and/or checks any otters after , must surrender those otters at an IDFG office for a $10 reward.

For more information regarding the otter season closure in Panhandle, contact the Fish and Game Panhandle Office at 208-769-1414.