[Reprinted from original]
The SC Trappers Association will hold their 44th annual convention on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at Reunion Park in Little Mountain, SC from 9AM until.
The event is free to attend, and children are welcome. At 10AM Mr. Aaron Rentz will present a coyote trapping demonstration, followed by a beaver/racoon trapping demo by Ricky Williams at 10:30AM. Mr. Joe Leonard will also conduct a bobcat trapping demonstration at 11AM.
There will be special contests and activities for youth, and a fun auction to be held after lunch. The association welcomes donations for the auction.
SCDNR staff will be on hand to answer any questions attendees may have about trapping and fur-bearer related regulations.
The following vendors will be on site with trapping equipment for sale and display, and to discuss their equipment and products:
Raw Dawgz Baits and lures
Dobbins Products
Southern Snares and Supplies
Jimmy Young
Tom Barrett– Sugar Creek Trapping Supplies
Iron Horse Concessions
Brad Jones
Atomic Baits and Lures
Palmetto Baits and Lures
Trapping season will soon be upon us, and this event is an excellent way to learn more about the art of trapping-as well as get a jump start on obtaining supplies. President of the association, Ricky Williams, noted, “Our event this weekend is open for everyone-trappers, hunters, farmers, land owners, and land managers. It’s a great place to pick up trapping supplies or find someone from your area to help with any trapping control needs.”
For details or directions call Joe at 803-507-4940 or Ricky at 843-454-4397.