Trapping Snippet:
Furbearers and trapping
Effective June 30, the department is moving the hunting and trapping deadline for bobcat, raccoon, opossum and striped skunk from Nov. 15 to the last day in February. The trapping deadline for coyote, mink, muskrat and river otter will also move to the end of February.
The department also extended the private land trapping season for coyote, raccoon, opossum and striped skunk to March 1 through April 14 and approved an early hunting and trapping season for raccoon, opossum and striped skunk to run from Aug. 1 to Oct. 15.
MDC's new regulations provide more opportunities for hunters to harvest abundant species, including coyote, raccoon and skunk.
Many furbearers, which are mammals that have traditionally been trapped and hunted for their fur, are experiencing long-term population growth, according to the department.
The changes are a response to stakeholder requests the department provide more opportunity to take multiple furbearer species, the department noted in a news release. MDC staff reviewed harvest seasons and recommended the changes based on stakeholder requests.
Full story here.