Trappers reminded of center swivel requirement
Jun 19, 2019 09:06 ET
[Reprinted from original] Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks wants to remind trappers that the requirement for all traps to have a center swivel and an additional chain swivel becomes effective this coming trapping season, Nov. 1, 2019. Modifying traps to meet this regulation will take a significant amount of time and expense on the part of trappers, and FWP wants to thank trappers for their support of this regulation change and their willingness to adapt and modify their equipment as increasingly humane options are developed. The center swivel requirement applies to all ground-set foothold traps that are set for furbearers or wolves, and traps set by recreational trappers for coyote, weasel, skunk, fox, badger, or raccoon that are not lethal-sets. Body-grip, submersion sets, and snares are lethal-sets and are not subject to the center swivel requirement.
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