[Reprinted from original]
A program to trap and control wolves and other wild predators to protect and save livestock is being launched in Big Lakes County.
At its regular meeting Nov. 27, council approved a recommendation by the agricultural advisory committee to initiate a targeted trapping program to reduce overall predators threatening and killing livestock.
The recommendation was presented by Big Lakes agricultural fieldman Sheila Kaus.
“Targetted trapping of areas experiencing predation could have a positive impact on losses experienced by ranchers and farmers in the county,” Kaus says.
Administration proposes the county compile a list of local members of the Alberta Trappers Association who can be contacted by local producers to control problem wolves.
“Trapping problem wolf packs has proven effective in other jurisdictions,” Kaus says.
“While hunting incentives lower overall population numbers, a problem wolf pack teaches their young to prey on livestock, continuing the cycle.”
Deadstock management is another strategy added to the hunting incentive program.
Composting, burying and incineration are options suggested.
Kaus says trapping and deadstock management are cost effective to reduce the overall population of predators in the county.
Strategies were researched by the county.
“A lot of work went into this,” Kaus says.
The two strategies were identified as effective by the Alberta Beef Producers, the Beef Cattle Research Council, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and Alberta Environment Predation Management.
A workshop on deadstock management is being planned for 2020 in partnership with the M.D. of Smoky River based in Falher and the M.D. of Greenview based in Valleyview.
At a meeting Feb. 27, council directed the Agricultural Service Board to develop a strategy to protect livestock from wolves.
Council and administration agreed a bounty is not effective.